The VSTBalance system and its assessments are only half of the package when onboarding fall prevention technology. All the resident profiles and data that are captured by VSTBalance are not only stored on the system, but also on our HIPAA compliant Cloud Dashboard. From the Cloud Dashboard, you are able to track the overall population health of the residents on the system, access each individual report captured, track outcomes data, and ensure that all the newly identified high-risk residents are being properly followed up with after their screening. In this article you will find:
- How to get Access to your Cloud Dashboard
- Navigating the Overview page
- Understanding the Test Board Pages
How to get Access to your Cloud Dashboard
To access the cloud, go to and log in using the credentials provided by the Client Partner assigned to your account. If you have not received an email with your credentials, contact your Client Partner.
Navigating the Overview Page
Upon signing into your profile on the Cloud Dashboard, you are taken to the Overview page. If you navigate away from this page and need to get back to it, click on the Overview button under the Dashboard section on the left-hand side of the screen. The Overview page will give you usage overview graphs and have a section at the bottom called Workstation Activities.
On the left-hand side of the screen, you will see two separate categories titled Dashboard and Test Board. Each category houses links to different pages within your Cloud Dashboard.
Recommended Follow-Up Table
You can also view the number of residents that are recommended for follow-up per your community's screening protocol. By clicking on the red number, you are given a list of residents who are overdue for their re-screening based on their latest mobility. The default time frames are:
- Low Mobility (1 Month)
- Medium Mobility (3 Months)
- High Mobility (6 Months)
Contact your Client partner to adjust these norms based on your community's preferences!
Usage Overview Graphs
This page will allow you to see the trends of overall recent usage in four different dynamic graphs, with the default timeframe being the past three months. You can adjust this timeframe to see any specific set of data. The timeframe options listed above the graphs are 15 days, one month, three months, six months, one year, and overall. If you want to look at a specific timeframe that is not listed as an option, click Custom. This will bring up a drop-down calendar where you can select any range of dates.
If you oversee more than one facility with VSTBalance, use the Workstation filter to look at individual locations. Simply click on the drop-down arrow located above the graphs on the right. Also filter by therapist/user to see the trends of usage amongst individual staff members, or by tags to see the trends in usage for specific groups of residents.
- The top-left graph will show you the number of residents that have been evaluated over the selected timeframe.
- The bottom-left graph will show you the number of residents evaluated over the selected timeframe, and distinguish between new residents and returning ones.
- The top-right graph will show you the number of assessments that have been completed within the selected timeframe.
- The bottom-right graph will show you the number of training activities that have been completed within the selected timeframe.
Workstation Activities
Under the usage overview graphs, there is a section titled Workstation Activities. This section lists your VSTBalance system, the total number of residents that have been entered into the system, the total number of assessments and training activities that have been completed on the system, and the last date and time that a test was completed on the system.
To the right of these numbers is a heart icon. This icon will let you know if your VSTBalance system is syncing properly to the Cloud Dashboard. Look for a Red Heart pulse that will indicate that your system is connected to Wi-Fi and syncing!
- Note: If your system is connected to Wi-Fi but is not connecting to the cloud, contact or your Client Partner.
Click the small green circle with a '+' icon to the left of a workstation to see a list breaking down residents and tests performed by assessment and training type.
Understanding the Test Board Pages
The Patients button will bring you to a list of all the patients/residents that have been entered on the system and have completed either an assessment or training. Next to each resident’s entry, you will also be able to see their latest test date, the total number of training activities and assessments they have completed, and the resident type if one was selected on the system. If you have access to more than one location, you can see the site where each resident was tested. You can also filter by a workstation (site) at the top of the table, as well as by resident type and by customizable tags if any were input on the resident’s profile on the system. You can search for a specific resident using the Patient Name search bar, or search up a specific creation/end date that the resident profile would have been made.
Click on the green plus icon (+) next to each resident’s name to expand the view for that resident and see each assessment/training activities they have completed, when it was completed, who performed it, and any comments that may have been input into the report. You can click on any test within this drop-down menu to be taken straight into the report of that specific test. From the top of that page, you can download the report as a PDF or print it.
You can also click on any resident name within the Patients board and be taken into their Report Card. It shows the baseline score that the resident achieved the first time they performed an assessment and compares that against the most recent score. There is a change column at the right of the Report Card that will show you the percent increase (green fill for improvement) or decrease (red fill for decline). Click the Recommended Exercises button to view any exercises that have been assigned to a resident.
Underneath the Info and the Report Card, you can see all the assessments and training activities that this resident has completed on the system listed in ascending order by date. You can click on any of the boxes in this table to view that selected report(s). After selecting all the desired boxes, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the View Reports button. Again, you can download or print the reports from the following page.
If you want to view all reports from a specific assessment or date, you can click on the box next to the name of the assessment or the date to select everything in that column/row.
Risk Board
The Risk Board is a great population health management tool. You can see a quick snapshot of the mobility levels of all the residents within your community that have data captured on the system. A list of residents will populate, in alphabetical order, on the risk board showing all their most recent test data for each assessment.
These data are color-coded according to the mobility level they received on that assessment. The only assessment that will not be color-coded is Sitting Reach, as there is no mobility level assigned to the results of that assessment. Above the table, there are a few options you can use to filter the data— workstation, therapist/user, or tags assigned to residents.
On the list itself, you can sort the data by name, number of visits, last visit date, or by the mobility level they received on a particular assessment. For example, if you want to see all the residents that scored low mobility in gait, finding all your high-risk residents, you just need to click on the up and down arrows next to the column titled Gait Speed. You can also adjust the timeframe of the board with the options of 15 days, one month, three months, six months, one year, overall, or custom.
The last column on the right-hand side of the board is titled Follow-Up. This ensures that all newly identified high- or medium-risk residents are being properly followed up with and routed to the necessary places to work on improving their identified deficits. This action will be completed on the VSTBalance application within the Patient Search feature. As you edit the follow-up actions, they will populate in the Risk Board on the Cloud Portal
Export the Risk board to an Excel file by clicking the button on the top right of the screen.
When opening the excel file, the data are split between two separate sheets, seen at the bottom of the document, titled Latest and Comparison. The spreadsheet will list all the residents that are included in the selected data set, the location where they were assessed, their aggregate overall mobility level, and their fall risk percentage if they were assigned one by the system.
The Latest sheet shows the most recent assessment scores for each resident. The scores are color coded according to the mobility level assigned to them. The last column indicates follow-up actions.
The Comparison sheet also shows the latest test scores for all the residents and each assessment, but has two additional columns for each type of assessment and fall risk. The Baseline column shows the score the resident achieved the first time they performed the assessment.
The Change/Improvement column shows the percent increase or decrease the resident was able to achieve between the two points of data for that assessment. In terms of fall risk, the comparison sheet also presents the baseline fall risk in the Baseline Risk % column and shows the fall-risk percent increase or decrease in the Risk % Change column.
Business Stats Page
On the Cloud Dashboard, there are a few different ways you can look at the outcomes data within your community; you can dive into individual outcomes by looking at the patient report card, or you can look at specific group or community-wide outcomes for each assessment within the Business Stats page.
Upon entering the Business Stats page, you will see a section titled Search. In this section, you can filter out the community data by several different search criteria, including the following:
Location Filter – If you oversee more than one VSTBalance system or community, filter by location or a specific workstation or system to see only the outcomes of specific communities or systems.
Referral Hospital Filter – Filter by referral sources assigned to resident profiles, which will allow you to see the outcomes of residents who have similar referral sources.
Diagnosis Filter – Filter by different diagnoses assigned to residents, giving insight into outcomes of residents with similar diagnoses.
Patient Filter – Filter data by specific tags assigned to different groups of residents, allowing you to see the outcomes of the different groups your community has created.
User/Clinician Filter – Filter by therapist/user. This affords you the ability to see the outcomes your individual staff members have been able to achieve with their residents.
Sorting by different filters will adjust the data you see in the outcomes graph below the search section. It shows the outcomes data for the selected group, depending on the filters you have chosen, of any given test. The default test is the mCTSIB balance assessment. To see outcomes for a different assessment, click the drop-down menu next to Standardized Test and select the assessment outcome data you would like to view. If the assessment measures more than one metric, click on the drop-down menu next to Measures to select the desired outcome measure.
The default timeframe for this graph is set to the most recent three months of data, though you can adjust this by clicking on the different timeframe options listed above the outcomes graph. The options are 15 days, one month, two months, three months, six months, and one year. The graph is sectioned into months or days depending on the selected timeframe of the data. Underneath each separate timeframe on the graph, you will see n=. The number that follows will let you know how many residents are a part of that particular data set. The initial admission scores are seen as an orange bar and the most recent, or latest scores, are displayed as a blue bar on the graph. Once you have selected the data set, you have the option to export the data as a PDF by clicking on the Export to PDF button located below the User/Clinician Filter.
Exporting as a PDF generates a document which contains graphed outcomes for the chosen data set and all the filters that were selected to obtain that data set. Under the graph on the second page is a list of all the residents that are included in the presented data set. The PDF will list the period during which each resident was assessed under the graph. If this space is blank, the resident is included in the same period as the previous resident. Each resident’s admission score, latest score, and the percent change is shown in the two columns listed next to the resident’s name.
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