Chair Mode (VSTNotify Quick Guide) Chair Mode (VSTNotify Quick Guide)

Chair Mode (VSTNotify Quick Guide)

Permanently deleted user Permanently deleted user


This article will walk you through how to use chair mode.


Step 1: Press chair mode button on the remote.

The system will prompt you to "Calibrate the chair using the calibration card" if this is your first time using chair mode or if the patient is not detected in the previously calibrated location.

Step 2: Place the calibration card at the chest level towards the front edge of the chair while the patient is sitting upright

Make sure to hold the card at the top and bottom without touching the front of the card, keeping sure not to stand between the sensor and the patient/chair.


Step 3: The system will beep when it sees the card and say “Chair calibrated" when complete. The system is now monitoring the chair.


Note: The chair must be calibrated within the 120° view of the sensor.


VSTAlert only: Chairs must be calibrated within the 60° view of the sensor. 

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